The Faith and Belief Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC). The Sub-Committee provides a sounding board for conversations, topics and events affecting the University of Edinburgh communities of Faith and Belief. For clarity, the Subcommittee acknowledges that Belief also includes humanist and non-religious beliefs. Faith and Belief prioritiesAs a brave space, the Faith & Belief Sub-Committee equips the University:to respond to matters of religion and belief within the University and how wider society impacts our communities, and the affects this may have to our commitments on Equality, Diversity and “foster good campus relations” and widening participation across all our communities of faith, religion and belief (and non-belief). Faith and Belief Action Plan This sub-committee is newly formed and has yet to establish an Action Plan. Once this is created it will appear here. Committee members Harriet Harris, Convener, Head of University ChaplaincyChaplaincyLiz Grant, Convenor Personal Chair of Global Health and DevelopmentCentre for Global HealthNial Moffat, Head of University SecurityEstates DevelopmentDavid Brook, Head of Support ServicesEstates Management GroupVeronica Coates, Study and Work Away AdviserEdinburgh GlobalAbi Page, Head of Residence LifeACE Residence LifeSara Medel Jiménez – HR EDI PartnerHuman ResourcesMichael Ramsammy, ReaderLinguistics and English LanguageLilian Lee, Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination AdviserDeputy Secretary Student ExperienceBjorn Spain, EUSA VP Welfare representativeEdinburgh University Students AssociationTo be appointed, Muslim ChaplainChaplaincyShipra Kohli, Hindu Belief ContactChaplaincyTrishna Singh, Honorary Skih ChaplainChaplaincyTim Maguire, Honorary Humanist ChaplainChaplaincyEliran Shabo, Honorary Jewish ChaplainChaplaincyAyalah Shabo, Honorary Jewish ChaplainChaplaincyAni Rinchen Khandro - Honorary Buddhist ChaplainChaplaincyMustafa Tene Nzokou - Isoc PresidentINFLucas Thomson - BuddSoc PresidentSPSAnish Subramaniam - Hindu Society PresidentEdMedNicky Helfgott ,JSOC PresidentTo be appointedPentecost Student and Associates Soc PresidentTo be appointed Jaehun Park - East Asian Christian Honorary Chaplain Esther Lam - Edinburgh Chinese Christian Church Fellowship Can Tao, Racism UnmaskedSPSKatucha Bento,RaceEd, Lecturer in Sociology (Race and Decolonial Studies)Sociology Urzula Glienecke - Associate Chaplain, Multifaith and Belief remitChaplaincyMaryam Yusuf, Liberation Officer EUSA Terms of reference The aim of this sub-committee is to harness expertise from our faith communities to identify and address barriers that prevent our students and colleagues from fully embracing their beliefs. The objectives in the action plan will position the many religions and beliefs represented within our community as a pillar of belonging, while finding opportunities for our students and colleagues to thrive in our campus and fully embrace their identities. This article was published on 2024-08-29