EREN REAR Action Plan working group

EREN's REAR Action Plan working group meets to identify key points in the Race Equality and Anti-racism (REAR) plan that EREN would like to provide strategic guidance, intervention and advocacy.

REAR Action Plan working group

Our work revolves around 3 primary issues: the persistence of a degree awarding gap for students of colour, improving diversity and representation amongst staff and students of colour, and promoting an anti-racist culture in the university.

Some actions with reference to these items include:

  • advocacy and support for cross-institution learning: i.e. learning from other institutions in the UK and US that have addressed the degree awarding gap, as well as improved recruitment and retention of staff and students of colour
  • providing guidance on developing more inclusive recruitment practices: 
    • emphasising the need for structural change and the imperative of having role models amongst staff and in management in order to impact recruitment and retention
    • drawing on research and knowledge extant in the university with reference to more inclusive practices
  • advocating for the introduction of appropriate training for people in leadership and management, including the provision of a mediated reverse mentorship program
  • advocating for EREN to be consulted on responses to and communications about incidents and events pertaining to race and racism
  • documenting and publishing the work being undertaken in the university on the above and related matters.
  • underscoring the role of allies in forwarding the REAR plan

Contact: Race Equality Staff Network