EREN Resources

EREN has gathered here some informative resources, including who you can contact, and development opportunities.

Information on Race Equality policy in Scotland:

Improving the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education – Advance HE

Personal and Professional Development courses in the University

'Where do you Draw the Line?' (secured) workshop for staff

Equality and Diversity Essentials for staff - e-Learning module available in People and Money

Challenging Unconscious Bias for staff   e-Learning module available in People and Money

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence e-Learning module for staff & student leaders

Unconscious Bias e-Learning module for students

Where to seek help

The University is committed to eliminating institutional, structural and individual racism that allows racial inequalities to perpetuate and is committed to supporting all members of the University community. These pages provide details of help and support available to staff and students:

College Equality & Diversity Co-coordinators & key representatives in University

College Committees


Human Resources


The Advice Place for Students

Residence Life for resident students

For all our community


Counselling Services

Contact us/connect/support


Meet the team and Join EREN