Issues related to equality, diversity and inclusion are experienced uniquely by individuals. The wide range of support services and resources available within and beyond the University allow you to choose what’s right for you. University resourcesUniversity Support in a CrisisChaplaincy Listening ServiceHealth and Wellbeing ServicesSupport from your Student Support TeamRacial Harassment and Hate CrimeLearning Support Service Autism Support GroupEdinburgh University Students' AssociationSupport and advice from The Advice PlaceThey are a third-party reporting site for hate crime and hate incidents, which means all their staff are trained to support you to safely report crimes to the Police – anonymously or not.EUSA provide representation via a team of Liberation OfficersFive Liberation Campaign:Black and Minority EthnicDisabled StudentsLGBT+Trans and Non-BinaryWomen's Campaign. Membership is based on self-definition, and you can join as many Campaigns as you want. Check out the EUSA activities list.The Students' Association also run peer support networks - Peer Support Schemes focus on the pastoral and wellbeing side of belonging to a university community. Some schemes hold regular 1:1 mentoring sessions, others arrange social gathering around relevant cultural events. Examples are the LGBTQ+ peer mentoring scheme, Global buddies, WellComm, Mastercard Foundation Families and WellMed. This article was published on 2024-03-06