Our diverse community brings together different perspectives, personal experiences as well as different religious and cultural backgrounds. We all have a role to play in creating and sustaining a respectful, diverse and inclusive community. When we meet those who are different from ourselves, there is a risk that we see them as ‘other’. Instead, recognising these differences, respecting and valuing every individual, and ensuring they are included within our communities benefits us all. These webpages are for those who have or may experience discrimination and for those who want to learn more and play their part in creating a more equal environment. They provide: an insight into some key equality, diversity and inclusion concepts an opportunity to understand more about areas in which discrimination and inequality are common signposting to further support If you need to chat or need support with the topics raised in these pages there is help available within the University.Information if you need supportThe University has a zero-tolerance stance towards any form of bullying and harassment. The Respect at Edinburgh web hub brings together information and guidance on the Dignity & Respect policy, the processes for raising and addressing concerns, and the support and training available. The topics covered here are large, complex and sometimes disputed, and the content is not exhaustive. If you spot something wrong, have suggestions or want to provide feedback pleaseContact the EDI for Students team: edi.student@ed.ac.ukUniversity of Edinburgh video 'Celebrating our Diversity' Microaggressions Recognising and Counteracting Microaggressions Intersectionality and Privilege The University believes that all staff and students should be able to work and study at Edinburgh free from any form of discrimination. Digital Safety, Wellbeing and Citizenship The University is committed to fostering safe and inclusive spaces both across campus and online. Unconscious Bias Information on Unconscious Bias and why it's important to recognise it Consent The University has introduced a new ‘Consent on Campus’ online module for all on-campus students. Consent affects us all and learning about it will help create a safer environment on campus. Further Reading and Learning We all have a role to play in making the University a more equal and inclusive community. The resources within this section provide ideas and starting points for personal action. Explore EDI in more depth - Living Together as Equals online course The University of Edinburgh has an online course, Living Together as Equals, which is open to all students who would like to learn more about EDI from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Finding Support Issues related to equality, diversity and inclusion are experienced uniquely by individuals. The wide range of support services and resources available within and beyond the University allow you to choose what’s right for you. "Inclusivity means not ‘just we’re allowed to be there,’ but we are valued. I’ve always said: smart teams will do amazing things, but truly diverse teams will do impossible things."Claudia Brind-Woody, VP and Managing Director of IBM"The world is intertwined today, much more than it was when I was coming out of school. Because of that, you really need to have a deep understanding of cultures around the world. I have learned to not just appreciate this but celebrate it. The thing that makes the world interesting is our differences, not our similarities.Tim Cook, CEO Apple This article was published on 2024-03-06