Gender Equality Subcommittee

The Gender Equality Subcommittee is a thematic committee of the University Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee (EDIC)

The gender subcommittee has developed an ambitious action plan, to extend the work of our overarching Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee to deliver on our strategic Equality Outcomes, and to close our Gender Pay Gap. This action plan was approved by University Executive at its meeting on 15th February 2022.

  • Prof. Karen Chapman (Convenor) – Deanery of Clinical Sciences
  • Aliah Chowdhury – Edinburgh Innovations
  • EUSA VP Welfare
  • EUSA Women Liberation Officer
  • EUSA Trans & Non-binary Liberation Officer
  • Jim Galbraith –Strategic Planning
  • Chloe Gardner – Postgraduate Research Student, School of Divinity
  • Prof. Fiona Mackay – Director of genderED
  • Prof. David Ingram –School of Engineering
  • June Maguire – UCU Equality Officer/Joint Unions Liaison Committee Representative
  • Prof. Stewart Mercer Deanery of Molecular, Genetics, and Population Health Sciences
  • Rodaidh McLaughlin – School of Geosciences
  • Katie Nicol Baines – Co-convenor, Staff Pride Network
  • Alex Peden – Usher Institute
  • Prof. Helen Sang – Convenor, University Athena Swan Network
  • Andy Shanks – Director of Student Wellbeing, Student Experience Services
  • Dr Sara Shinton – Institute for Academic Development
  • Dr Caroline Wallace –HR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Prof. Stephen Wigmore –Deanery of Clinical Sciences

The aim of this Subcommittee is to ensure and promote activity across the University that addresses inequalities arising through sex or gender.  It will oversee the Gender Equality Action Plan. The Subcommittee incorporates the Athena SWAN work across the University and is ultimately responsible for formulating and implementing the University Institutional Athena SWAN action plan. The work of the Subcommittee will be informed by the Athena SWAN network as well as collective research projects on gender within the University, such as genderED.