Introducing Equality Impact Assessment e-learning module. This training module explains what Equality Impact Assessments (EqIAs) are and why we need to do them. EqIAs are an opportunity to think about the effects our policies and working practices have on others and what we can do to break down barriers to equality. This module will also take you through how to complete an EqIA.Log on to LearnThe above module is hosted on the University Learn platform. Instructions how to enrol here:Self-Enrol by logging into Learn and log in with EASE at on the “Self-Enrol” tab at the top right of your screen.Click the Browse Course Catalogue button and a search window will appear.Enter the name of the course you wish to enrol onto in the search box and click GoHover your mouse pointer to the right of the Course ID, click the arrow and select Enrol.You will then be taken to a new page. To complete your enrolment on this course select Submit.You will then see a confirmation message to say your enrolment was successful.Click OK and you will be taken to the course.The course will now appear in your My Courses under the 'My Learn' tab every time you login to Learn.Training can be carried out on these modules at your own pace. If you don’t want to complete the course in one session, click on 'Bookmark' before exiting and the module will automatically take you back to where you left off when you next log in.Related LinksOther Equality training modules This article was published on 2024-03-06