EqIA Guidance and Template

Guidance and template for carrying out an Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

You don't need to use a particular form or methodology for EqIA beyond the statutory duties set out in our Policy Statement. The requirement is to actively consider how a policy or practice will meet the requirements of the general equality duty.

Policy Statement 

However, it is important to record this consideration as evidence of having paid due regard to the duty required by the Equality Act. The EqIA Guidance, and the Template form provided here have been developed to simplify the process of carrying out an EqIA.

The guidance includes some questions to think about when carrying out the assessment, and the template form can be used to record the assessment and the actions that have been identified, which should be published.

EqIA Guidance Aug 2024 (48.37 KB / DOCX)
EqIA Template Aug 2024 (30.03 KB / DOCX)


  • EqIA may be recorded in a different format if preferred. EqIA should focus on understanding the effects of a policy or practice in relation to the three needs of the general duty and on taking any necessary actions as a result.Completion of the template should not be the focus, nor should it constrain the assessment.
  • Wherever practicable, assessment of equality impact should be built into standard processes and tailored to the nature of the policies or practices involved.
  • Whatever form EqIA takes, the results must be recorded and published. There is a statutory requirement to publish the results of any assessment where the policy or practice in question is being applied.
  • All EqIAs should be sent to equalitydiversity@ed.ac.uk  for publication on the University webpages.


Useful resources

Introducing EqIAs - Online Training Module