Microaggressions are the most common way racism, queerphobia and other forms of discrimination are expressed on a daily basis, both online and face-to-face, so tackling them is very important. We have a duty to ensure that students who have protected characteristics are supported and welcomed into our academic community, fostering good relations between those who have certain protected characteristics and those who don’t share them.Identify and challenge unacceptable behaviour when it occurs, even if it is not directed at ourselves.The University’s Dignity and Respect Policy, section 3.1 outlines the responsibility of staff and students.MicroaffirmationsSmall actions can make a big difference and you can contribute to creating a supportive learning community through intentional practice. Learn the names of your fellow students. If you don’t know how to say them, simply ask, “please can you help me pronounce your name properly?”Show interest in your fellow students - the more you know the more you might find in commonIf you see or hear something you admire, let them know! Show appreciation for their talents and successesValidate their experiences. Don’t minimise them. People might share some difficult incidents or encounters with others, ask how it made them feel and what they need from you to feel betterListen actively when other people are speakingMeaningful InterventionsIf you witness a microaggression, there are some strategies you can take to intervene, depending on the situation.Ask them, “Are you okay? I noticed what they said seemed to get to you/is there anything I can do?”Say that you find the underlying attitude or behaviour witnessed a problem and state the reason(s) why. For example, “Are you aware that what you said can be viewed as homophobic because Y”If you see an ongoing situation, and it's safe for you to do so, engage with the people involved and start up a conversation, effectively putting yourself between themActively include people left out of groups or conversations because they are differentNever join in with jokes that belittle others. Better still, publicly say you don’t like that kind of jokeYou can find more resources to help you support diversity and inclusion in the What Can I Do? section. This article was published on 2024-03-06