Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

The University has a statutory duty to assess the equality impact of applying its policies and practices.

Published Assessments

Access an A to Z list of all EqIA assessments.

The purpose is to improve outcomes for those who may experience discrimination and disadvantage.

We welcome Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) as a way to meet our statutory duties and more.

Subject to relevance and proportionality, equality impact should be assessed on all ‘policies and practices - interpreted widely to include the full range of the Universities policies, provisions, criteria, functions, practices and activities, including decisions and the delivery of services - essentially everything we do.

EqIA should be carried out within existing systems and frameworks. It is a recognised way of improving policy development and service delivery. By assessing equality impact we proactively consider the needs of our students, employees and the wider community, identify potential steps to advance equality and foster good relations, and ensure that we do not discriminate unlawfully.

EqIA contributes to the University’s Equality & Diversity Strategy commitment to mainstream equality and diversity across all of its work and to achieve the equality objectives set out in the University Strategic Plan 2012-16 and the Equality & Diversity Strategy Action Plan.

Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) contributes to meeting the University’s general equality duty under the Equality Act 2010.

Guidance and template for carrying out an Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Introducing Equality Impact Assessment e-learning module.