Recognising and Counteracting Microaggressions This resource is intended to help students Understand what microaggressions are, Understand how they effect people, Consider ways to counteract microaggressions, Contribute to a more inclusive environment for all students. The microaggressions resources were co-produced with students representing four different groups: race, sexuality, trans and/or non-binary and socio-economic disadvantage, with input from colleagues in IAD and the Staff Pride Network. Most students were also members of one of the following student networks: PrideSoc, Tackling Elitism and BlackEd. We are grateful to our students for providing their time and sharing their experiences. What are 'Microaggressions'? "Everyday verbal, non-verbal and environmental slights, snubs or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership” (Sue et al 2019). Effects of Microaggressions Microaggressions are often corrosive and create ongoing feelings of being regarded as a second-class citizen, 'other', inferior or even dangerous. Counteracting Microaggressions Microaggressions are the most common way racism, queerphobia and other forms of discrimination are expressed on a daily basis, both online and face-to-face, so tackling them is very important. Race This resource is intended to help you to understand more about microaggressions in a racial context. LGBT+ People from the LGBT+ community regularly experience deliberate or unintended microaggressions and microinsults. These may be perceived as small daily occurrences, but their impact is significant; recognising and countering these is important. Socio-Economic Disadvantage We have a commitment to enhance social mobility and ensure there is equal opportunity for all, but, as not all of our students come from the same backgrounds, this can lead to some having different experiences while studying. This article was published on 2024-03-06