Explore EDI in more depth

The University of Edinburgh has an online course, Living Together as Equals, which is open to all students who would like to learn more about EDI from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Living Together as Equals

The course is being piloted throughout 2023-24. It is fully online and self-paced. Once you are enrolled, you can work your way through the course sections in your own time. You can work through it in a couple of weeks if you do a unit every day or you can take a few months. You may choose to delve deep into one section and skim over another. It’s been designed to be flexible and fit in with your particular preferred pattern of study.

“Through this course, I have now come to appreciate the complexity and nuances of individual experiences.  I now understand further that people’s background, identities, and circumstances can significantly influence their perspective and the challenges they face.  This understanding has led me to emphasize the importance of respect and empathy more when engaging with others” 

Recent student participant

How is the course structured?

The course is in four main sections: What is Equality, Barriers to Equality, Enablers of Equality, and Taking Action. Each section contains units which cover things like: academics presenting their discipline’s view on equality, a student interviewing a lecturer about intersectionality, historical events that ripple into today, how to lobby for change and creating a personal action plan. There are points throughout the course that invite you reflect on your learning and a downloadable workbook with all the prompt questions. The course was designed from the outset with students from around the University and many of the units were created by students with support from the staff designers.

Why is it relevant to me?

You may decide to take the course for personal interest or to enhance your employability. The course encourages you to decide for yourself what equality means. Throughout the course, you are invited to reflect on how what you are learning is relevant to your main degree studies and Subject.

What will I get on completion of the course?

On completion you will gain a digital badge and a laptop sticker designed by an Edinburgh College of Art student. The course is not credit-bearing and there is no assessment.

“I would definitely recommend it to anyone, even if they feel they know a lot about the topic, there’s always more to learn – that’s how it was for me!  There were also some things I could connect to, so it was really nice to learn how this is given more and more importance.  I really enjoyed it overall!” 

Recent student participant

How do I enrol?

The course has enrolment points every second Monday of the year, so you may wait up to two weeks for notification of your successful registration.  Sign up any time using the registration form.

Living Together as Equals registration form