Race Equality and Anti-Racist Subcommittee (REAR)

The Race Equality and Anti-Racist Subcommittee (REAR) is a thematic committee of the University Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee (EDIC).

The University of Edinburgh will take action against racism in its various forms (personal, cultural and institutional). We do not wish to be complicit through silence and inaction. We wish to establish an ethos and culture that promotes inclusion, respect and dignity and has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination.

Emily Sena, Personal Chair of Meta Science and Translational MedicineCentre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Caroline Wallace, Head of HR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.HR
Dahlia Doughty Shenton College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Róisín McKelvey, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion OfficerCollege of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Deepthi de Silva-Williams CAM
Jenni Sarafilovic, EDI ManagerCollege of Science and Engineering
Jim Galbraith, Senior Strategic PlannerGovernance and Strategic Planning
Indigo Williams, VP WelfareEUSA
Karen Halliday, Chair of Systems PhysiologyEDI, plant molecular-genetics research, College of Science and Engineering
Lilian Lee, Intercultural & Anti-Discrimination Adviser   

Student Experience Services


Mohini Gray, Edinburgh Diversity and Inclusion Network. Personal Chair of Rheumatology.Centre for Inflammation Research
Nik Tahirah Nik Hussin, co-convenorLibrary Research Support
Omolabake Fakunle, co-convenor, Senior Lecturer, Chancellors FellowSchool of Education and Sport
Rayya GuhlInstitute for Academic Development
Sara Medel Jiménez, HR EDI, HR
Sarah Liu, Convener Staff BAME network, Senior Lecturer Politics and International Relations 
Shadaab RahemtullaBAME Staff Network
Sharia Vadasaria, Lecturer in Sociology (Race and Decolonial Studies)Sociology
Silvia Perez-Espona, Lecturer, Easter Bush EDI CommitteeVeterinary Teaching Organisation
Tommy Curry, Personal Chair of Africana Philosophy and Black Male Studies.School of Philosophy, Psychology an Language Sciences. 

Terms of Reference

The aim of this group is to ensure and promote activity across the University to end systemic racism and the inclusion of BME staff and students.  The group will recommend actions (evidence based) which the EDI Committee can take up to the University Executive. It will also oversee the Race Equality and Anti-Racist Action Plan. 

The work of the group has also been informed by the Thematic Review of Student Support for Black and Minority Ethnic Students, the EDMARC Report  2018/19 sections on Ethnicity, points raised from student and staff petitions as a result of the events related to Black Lives Matter and the Equality and Human Rights Commission Report (2019) on  Tackling racial harassment.