Disability and Inclusion Subcommittee

The Disability and Inclusion Sub-Committee is a thematic committee of the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC).

The Sub-Committee aims to promote activities across the University that create a supportive and inclusive culture, alongside accessible campuses, teaching and learning approaches.

The foundation of the Committee’s Terms of Reference is the Public Sector Equality Duty’s (PSED) duty to, “foster good relations between people who share and people who do not share a relevant protected characteristic.”

This committee is newly formed and has yet to establish an Action Plan. The Action Plan will be uploaded as soon as this is available.

The BSL plan was presented to and approved by EDIC on 8 May 2024. The committee agreed that a feasible action plan is needed. Part of the BSL Plan will be incorporated into the wider Disability and Inclusion Action Plan. 

The BSL plan focuses on six principles:

  1. Increasing BSL accessibility and inclusion
  2. Building educational opportunities for BSL signers
  3. Creating employment opportunities for BSL signers
  4. Supporting the health and well-being of BSL signers
  5. Celebrating BSL culture
  6. Improving BSL data collection and analysis

Alison Hendry  
Audrey Cameron Co-convenor  
Claire Graf  Disabled Staff Network 
Nghi NguyenEUSA Disabled Students’ Officer 
Dorileen Forbes Deputy Director Health and Safety 
EUSA VP Welfare  
Federico MarchiolliHR EDI 
Nicola Walls Estates Development 
Nina Talbot  University Health Centre 
Rebecca Shade 
Sophia LycourisUCU Representative 
Stephen WarringtonChair of Engineering Education 
Theresa MerrickDirector of Comms and Marketing 
Tina Harrison Academic Standards and Quality Assurance 
Victoria Buchanan Co-convenor  
Viki Galt Disability Information Team in ISG