
The University has introduced a new ‘Consent on Campus’ online module for all on-campus students. Consent affects us all and learning about it will help create a safer environment on campus.

What is the course about? 

Talking about sex and consent can be difficult. This course will help you understand consent, recognise acceptable boundaries and learn how to support others.

Through the completion of the course you will learn how to:

  • Recognise and ask for sexual consent
  • Keep our campus spaces safe
  • Find support if you need it
  • Look out for others at the University 

Who is this course for?

All University of Edinburgh students should complete a short, 30-minute online course called ‘Consent on Campus’. The course will be embedded in matriculation by September 2025, but you can access and complete the course now if you’d like to.

We are committed to providing a respectful and safe community for all our students, and everyone at the University is responsible for playing their part in creating this environment.

Do I have to take part? 

We understand that those who have experienced sexual violence may find the content of this course difficult or upsetting. If this applies to you, you can opt out.

Online students are not expected to complete the course.


What support and resources are available to students?

The Equally Safe team offers specialist support for anyone who has been affected by sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence.

Equally Safe team resources and support

You can use our Report + Support platform to report any forms of bullying, harassment, discrimination or gender-based violence on campus.

Report and Support

Preventing Sexual Harassment

PGR students can access the course below through P&M. This course helps you recognise sexual harassment through a range of scenario-based interactions. It also includes activities that explores how victims and bystanders can respond appropriately to sexual harassment.