Mainstreaming: Services and Infrastructure

The University continues to improve its services and supporting infrastructure to promote EDI.

The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery phase provided an opportunity to rethink the way that we work and deliver our services. A Hybrid Working organisational change programme began in October 2020 to develop a flexible approach to working that supports our dynamic community of learners, educators, researchers, and professional services staff and better meets their individual needs alongside those of the wider community. The Programme Group and its workstreams had EDI representation and/or ready access to EDI expertise. There was significant engagement with staff equality groups including via focus groups and surveys, which informed a Strategic Equality Impact Assessment and the development of content of the Hybrid Working Framework, first published in July 2021. Hybrid Working | The University of Edinburgh 

An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) was piloted from October 2021, to ease pressure on the University's Staff Counselling Service. The EAP supports employees with personal and/or work-related problems, providing counselling and access to legal and financial help.  The EAP had a positive impact on waiting times for staff counselling, and 88% of staff who used the EAP would recommend the service to others. The service has been extended until October 2023, allowing a full review of the benefits of the service to be understood. Staff Counselling | The University of EdinburghCounselling through the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) | The University of Edinburgh. 

Our Editorial Style Guide was expanded in June 2022 to include guidance on inclusive language, furthering our commitment to accessible and inclusive communications. Inclusive language | The University of Edinburgh. Developed with our staff and students, this guide aims to ensure that when we talk to or about our diverse communities in our corporate internal and external communications we do so with respect, sensitivity, consistency and care. This guidance represents a snapshot in a continuing conversation and will be revised as related language evolves.

The Digital Strategy aims to make our digital estate fully accessible to all by default. Related to this, we support digital and data skills for all through learning opportunities and resources, including the annual Digital Skills Festival. In 2022, the Festival included accessibility-focused sessions such as: subtitling for media creators; increasing accessibility of teaching using Learning Technology; making Word documents more accessible; and how to make digital events and resources more accessible and inclusive for BSL users. Home | Digital Skills Festival - The University of Edinburgh

The Disability and Learning Support Service (DLSS) began operating under this new name in summer 2022, having previously been the Student Disability Service, better reflecting the breadth of the service and the study-focused support that it provides. Following an independent review of the service, several improvements were made including changes to the contracts of Specialist Mentor (Autism/Mental Health) staff. This increased both the overall availability of this vital resource, and the capacity to develop and deliver additional activities such as training and group work. Additionally, the service procured a dedicated system to support the matching of students with the 1:1 non- medical specialist support that they need. This has streamlined the processes for students, and increased efficiency in interactions with the funding bodies who administer the Disabled Students’ Allowance. The number of students feeling confident to disclose a disability has increased significantly, with 6,036 disabled students (13% of the student population) in 2020/21 increasing to 8,473 disabled students (18% of the student population) in 2022/23. Disability and Learning Support Service | The University of Edinburgh.

The Student Wellbeing Service was implemented in September 2022 as part of the University’s new Student Support model which is reshaping and professionalising the way the University supports its students. At its core the new model aims to address any potential inequality of support for students by introducing Student Advisors who will work in a consistent way across the School, College and University in providing pastoral care. The Student Advisors will be the key point of contact for students throughout their time on course.  We have also introduced Wellbeing Advisors to support the work of the Student Advisors by providing enhanced support to students where there are increased concerns around their wellbeing and a specialist response is needed. The Wellbeing Advisors will proactively work with students, Student Advisors, other University and external support services to identify and enable access to appropriate help, such as our Student Counselling and external services. While still very new, the model is demonstrating a more streamlined and consistent approach to supporting student’s pastoral care with a clearly defined and managed escalation route where wellbeing concerns are identified. Student Wellbeing Service | The University of Edinburgh

Since 2021 Student Counselling has recruited additional counsellors of colour, deepening its commitment to EDI and service improvement.  It also engages with the Black, African and Asian Therapy Network to enhance provision. Student Counselling | The University of Edinburgh]

The new Staff Disability Advice Service was soft-launched in January 2023, with a full launch planned for May 2023. Staff Disability Advice Service | The University of Edinburgh.  As well as providing tailored advice to disabled staff and their managers and playing a key role in developing the health and wellbeing agenda, this service has begun initial work to improve the implementation of reasonable adjustments for disabled staff. We have also extended the resources available to support all services and functions to ensure accessibility for individuals who use British Sign Language, in line with the University’s BSL Plan 2018-2024.

British Sign Language (BSL) Plan 2018-2024 at the University of Edinburgh

Resources and Guidance for Working with BSL Users at The University of Edinburgh