Research and Innovation Strategy

Mainstreaming EDI through our Research and Innovation Strategy

Research is at the core of the University’s mission, forming one of the four pillars in our Strategy 2030.T he University’s Research & Innovation Strategy is currently in development, incorporating learning from the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, the Research Cultures Working Group and sectoral best practice to ensure EDI is at the heart of all our research activity. The activities support progress in Equality Outcomes 3 and 4, as outlined in those sections in this report.

The ability to deliver excellent research is crucially dependent on our research culture: the values, expectations and behaviours that shape how we support, deliver and communicate research. The University Research Strategy Group established a Research Cultures Working Group (RCWG) in June 2021 to develop an ambitious and actionable approach to fostering positive, supportive and inclusive research cultures. The experiences of researchers, including those from equality groups, have been captured via surveys and discussion groups, covering EDI-related topics such as bullying and harassment, support for disabled researchers, and research assessment metrics. The Research Cultures Action Plan has been approved by the University Executive and will be published later in 2023.

Our Research & Innovation Strategy is also informed by the submission made to the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF2021).  A full Equality Impact Assessment of the proposed approach to REF2021 was conducted at the outset, with further detailed analysis of EDI impacts post-submission. This reflective EDI analysis of the approach taken to REF2021 submission shows that it was more inclusive of female and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) academics than the previous REF2014 submission.  We recognise there are significant gaps in data for religion/belief, sexual orientation and disability, and further work is needed to improve disclosure as outlined the Evidence-based Improvement section of this report. Specific EDI initiatives are now underway to support inclusive research and research careers, including a detailed analysis of EDI in the REF context so we can identify actions to promote equity in research and an investigation into the longer-term EDI impacts of Covid-19 on research careers.  We are actively recruiting Chancellor’s Fellows and nurturing early career researchers towards a sustainable academic career.  This process is supported by new Diversifying Recruitment guidance; by EDI targets built into the Chancellor’s Fellow programme and through three new posts in the Institute for Academic Development including a research cultures lead.

The University established an £8m social investment fund in 2017 to deliver positive social and environmental impact from its investments. In 2022 this included investment in the Big Issue Growth Impact Fund and in ADA Ventures.  Between them, these funds proactively work with minority ethnic,  LGBT+ and disabled peoples and communities to increase levels of participation in training, advice, board representation, business start up and capital funding.