Mainstreaming : Governance

An outline of the governance that supports the mainstreaming of EDI within the University.

Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is embedded in the University’s strategic priorities and planning through the overarching University Strategy 2030, the Equality Outcomes, and successive Outcome Agreements with the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). The University Court and the University Executive oversee performance against key performance indicators which include equality-related measures.

We ensure that EDI is embedded within the University by different levels of governance across the institution. The top level is the University Court, the University’s governing body, which considers the University's effectiveness in progressing EDI in all its work. Court receives and discusses all published bi-annual and cyclical EDI reports, supplemented by updates on specific EDI topics and themes.  Additionally, University Court is committed to improving its representation of the communities it serves. 

A University lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion was appointed in 2019 and is a member of the University Executive.  The University Executive is a key decision-making body with the remit to develop the University’s strategic objectives and oversee their implementation and delivery.  It meets every month and every paper presented must consider its EDI dimensions and impacts.  This supports mainstreaming by ensuring EDI is embedded in all business and that all areas are supported to deliver on objectives.   The University lead convenes the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) which is an Executive Standing Committee, presenting policy papers and reports to the University Executive.   EDIC provides strategic oversight of the University’s actions to progress EDI for staff and students.   EDIC’s membership includes key budget holders and directors and representatives from across the University community including Colleges, Professional Services Groups, Student Union, Trade Unions and Staff Networks. The work of EDIC is supported by Thematic Equality Subcommittees which develop specific action plans, and by short life working groups and task and finish groups.

In late 2021, the new post of Provost was created as well as other changes to the University’s senior leadership team structure, as several post-holders reached the end of their terms of office. The Provost took up post in June 2022, and, as the Chief Academic Officer for the University, a key area of responsibility is to ensure the promotion of a positive, inclusive academic culture.  This furthers mainstreaming progress by ensuring accountability for agreed actions towards achieving goals and outcomes.

Our three Colleges have active EDI Committees and action plans. The convenors of the College EDI Committees and representatives of our three Professional Services Groups (PSG), which also either have EDI Committees or other forms of EDI governance, are members of EDIC and regularly report on progress in their areas. There are EDI Leads in each of our Schools and Deaneries within our Colleges and across our professional services departments who progress EDI in their specific areas. The EDI work undertaken by staff is recognised in workload allocation models where appropriate, in the academic promotion process, in staff contribution awards and in a range of staff recognition awards.

The governance structure facilitates a joined-up approach to EDI initiatives, within and across different levels of the institution, enabling far-reaching consultation and contribution. This is an essential step in progressing mainstreaming but there is more to be done to ensure learning from good practice is disseminated, that the efforts of staff engaged in EDI work are rewarded and that responsibility for ensuring goals are achieved is shared equitably.  The next steps are to develop more effective monitoring and evaluation of EDI activities, including through a robust evidence base and data use.