We have a broad range of resources and initiatives to mainstream EDI literacy and awareness across our institution. We have a longstanding core offering of online EDI-related learning. Our new HR and Finance system, launched in November 2021, includes a Learning Management System which has significantly improved our ability to set and monitor completion of expected learning. All new staff are automatically assigned EDI learning to be completed as a priority when they join us, and current staff are prompted by the system to refresh their learning every 3 years. Line Manager Dashboards provide a ready overview of staff learning to inform probationary and annual review conversations. We continue to add to our core offering of EDI-related learning. To further racial literacy, we have partnered with Santander Universities to make the online learning ‘Union Black: Britain’s Black Cultures and Steps to Anti-Racism' available to all our staff and students. The learning is offered both as a one-hour introductory module and as a 3-week programme of deeper learning. This course has been particularly well-received by participants. EDI Training Modules available for staff at The University of Edinburgh To further understanding of EDI amongst our leaders and future leaders and support greater diversity in decision-making, we piloted workshops on ‘Understanding Race and Racism’, and ‘Identity, Privilege and Intersectionality’ with our Leader and Manager communities. Feedback from attendees of these sessions was very positive and showed that all respondents felt motivated to act but would welcome further support for behaviour change. We have set up Peer Mentoring and facilitated Discussion Groups which create a community to enable the conversation to continue, with a focus on taking action. This successful approach will be rolled out further in 2023. Peer Mentoring & Discussion Groups | The University of Edinburgh Between December 2022 and March 2023, we delivered a series of ‘Are you ready to Talk/Listen?’ sessions to increase the preparedness of staff at all levels for informed conversations around EDI. Participants were given opportunities to share their own experiences of inclusion/exclusion and learn from the experiences of others, to recognise their agency in change, and identify actions that they could take at an individual, departmental, and institutional level as appropriate to their role. Events to honour and educate on the diversity of our community are an integral part of the University calendar. Each year the University celebrates LGBT+, Black and Disability History months, International Women’s Day, cultural festivals such as Chinese New Year, hosts student-led celebrations such as Latin America week and Africa Week and raises relevant celebratory flags at Old College. In November 2021, the University marked Islamophobia Awareness Month for the first time, and this has been incorporated into the regular calendar of events. We have several vibrant EDI-related Staff Networks, Student Societies, and research and knowledge exchange hubs, which contribute significantly to the promotion of EDI literacy and awareness. The cross-disciplinary networks RACE.ED and genderED produce regular blogs, podcasts, and seminars such as the annual genderED blogathon to mark the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, and the popular RACE.ED podcast ‘Undersong – Race and Conversations Other-wise'. Our Staff Pride Network (SPN) organises a range of events to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues and other regular activities to support staff and allies. SPN recently produced a new Pride Progress lanyard for staff and student cards which are available to collect at our libraries and are in high demand. The Edinburgh Race Equality Network (EREN) offers a range of activities, including the popular Lunchtime Biography series to raise the profile of staff from diverse cultural backgrounds, and in January 2023 partnered with the Institute for Academic Development to deliver an event on pass/fail assessment or ‘Ungrading’ and raise awareness of its wider EDI importance. The BAME staff network provides a mentoring programme alongside other activities to support anti-racism and race equality. The Disabled Staff Network (DSN) holds regular meetings and has produced an excellent short video ‘Disability is not a barrier’. RACE.ED website; GENDER.ED website; EDI Networks and Groups | The University of Edinburgh The University’s Review of Race and History group oversees a comprehensive and inclusive, academically led and engaged examination of the University’s relationship with coloniality and enslavement and its legacy today. This work and associate policy review will deepen our responsibility to understand and tackle contemporary and historical issues around race and racism at our University, as support our commitment to anti-racism. Review of Race and History | The University of Edinburgh In August 2022, the University adopted the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) definition of Islamophobia, supported by the guidelines from the Coalition Against Islamophobia. This is an important first step in raising awareness of Islamophobia as a form of racism, in improving understanding of how Islamophobia can operate within the University community, and in devising meaningful strategies to tackle it. The process of preparing the case for the adoption is an example of how our governance and engagement processes work inclusively, where proposals for specific policies or other actions are proposed from minoritised groups and then developed and adopted across the institution. This article was published on 2024-03-06